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Does anybody want to be sad? Does anybody want to be unhappy? Does anybody want to be sorrow for some days or hours or even some minutes? The answer is ultimately NO. Everybody wants to be happy always. Everybody wants to live happily every moment. But, is it true we are living always happily? NO. We are always living with sadness, sorrow and worries. What to do for making a happy life for us and for others? Is there any top secret to be happy? There is no secret.

We are the main victim for this. We create our own happiness or unhappiness .Yes. We are the master of our minds. We will be happy when the things are happened as we expect and unhappy if not happened as per our expectations. So it is not the thing outside events determine our happiness.

Unhappiness is the most common stat of mind. There are some easy ways for happiness. A famous author quote,*keep the heart free from hate, disappointments, and worries. Live simply and expect little. Forget self, think others.*Fill your heart with love. Everything is happening in every moment as per the GOD’s desire. Leave every problem with GOD. Happiness brings everything positive.

Here is an easy tip for beginning a happy day. When you wake-up in the morning, condition your mind like” Today I will do all of my work in happy mood. I will feel happiness every moment. In all the situations I will be happy. GOD helps me to be happy”. Keep these sayings yourself slowly and concentrate in these words.

After completing all your works, when you go to bed, again condition your mind as in the morning. Repeat daily this. Definitely you will be happy always.

C (programming language)

In computing, C is a general-purpose, cross-platform, block structured, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for use with the Unix operating system.

Although C was designed for implementing system software, it is also widely used for developing application software.

It is widely used on a great many different software platforms and computer architectures, and several popular compilers exist. C has greatly influenced many other popular programming languages, most notably C++, which originally began as an extension to C.

Computer Animation

A picture is worth 1000 words. Tom and Jerry cartoon, being the all time favorite of many is enjoyed even without the dialogues. Who wouldn't love the jolly green ogre and humors donkey in the movie Shrek? Movies like Shrek and Finding Nemo, has taken animation to a great heights. Animation is one of the powerful and smartest product in Hollywood. Walt Disney's animated characters are world famous icons adored by several people in all parts of the world. You can see computer animation everywhere, right from the Animated E-Cards, logo, animated screen savers, commercials, TV shows, computer games and movies. There are several fun games, animated tutorials teaching vocabulary and math to children. It is the animation that attracts kids to use computer even at preschool level. The advancement in computer technology has revolutionized the field of animation. It is swiftly growing and has huge impact on all ages to people.

What is animation?
Animation is the technique of sequencing several drawings and creating a rapid movement to add life to it. The speed in the movement creates optical illusion and the persistence of vision makes the picture realistic. In this the drawings seems to move. Animation is the realm of fantasy. Flip book is one of the simple sample of animation. It consist of sequence of drawings in every page of the book and when it is flipped rapidly by thumbing, it creates an illusion of motion. Creating an animation is time consuming, strenuous work. Each drawings or the frame in the sequence, must be blend seamlessly with the other frames to create smooth and continuous motion in time. Time line is very important in this too. For one second of animation, they use 24 frames.

Animation types:
With the advancement in technology, there are several techniques used in animation. Traditionally, animation was created by hand drawing the pictures frame by frame for the action. It is quiet tedious and time consuming. Computer animation removes the need for many of the extra tools required to create an animation. Computer animation with 2D and 3D techniques, is widely used. Images generated through this technique is known as Computer generated images (CGI). Animation involves storyboarding which sequences the scenes and actions of the character. The sound track are done even before creating the actual animation because it determines the timing of the frame. But they redo this every time until they get the final perfection. 3D animation involves modeling, animating and rendering the 3D scenes. Clay animation, stop motion animation, puppet animation are several other techniques.

Animation softwares and career
In 1937, Walt Disney produced the first full length animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Animation requires people skilled in different arts like drawing to produce wonderful images, huge and endless imagination and creative designing, planning the scene, adding sound track and giving special effects. There are several latest fantastic tools for creating the animation. Commonly used one are Macromedia flash, fireworks, Adobe creative suit, photoshop, Anime studio pro, Maya, 3D Studio from Autodesk, and many more. Animation courses are given in several specialized arts and animations colleges worldwide. A student from these universities will have the potential for a career in the dynamic fields of web design, animation movie making, video game art, advertising and graphic design.

Animation applications
Sultan: The Warrior is a forthcoming animated Indian film which is to be released in early 2009 worldwide. The main character is an animated version of super star Rajinikanth (A prominent actor in Indian filim industry) and will also be voiced by him, has big expectations by his fans. Animation is not only used for entertainment. It is also used extensively in marketing, used to present meteorological data, medical imaging, in architecture industry to create models of proposed buildings, in engineering to design new devices and vehicles.

Bluetooth technology - How does Bluetooth work?

Bluetooth technology replaces cable technology literally. Bluetooth technology got its unusual name in honor of Harald Blatand (Bluetooth in English), king of Denmark in the mid-tenth century. Bluetooth is a wireless protocol. It utilizes short range communication technology. It facilitates data transmission over short distances(10 to 100 meters) from fixed as well as mobile services. The reason behind the development of Bluetooth technology was the creation of a single digital wireless protocol, capable of connecting multiple devices and overcoming issues arising from synchronization of these devices. Due to advancement of science and technology, everyday some new product is being invented.

Bluetooth technology establishes connectivity between these products, in a simple way. By using Bluetooth technology and connecting various devices like telephones, laptops, personal computers, mobile phones, printers, PDAs, headset, video games consoles and digital cameras information is exchanged between them. Just like a faithful servant, Bluetooth technology organizes our activities in such a way that many of our jobs can be controlled and synchronized easily. With Bluetooth wireless technology, small transceiver modules are built into a very wide range of products, allowing quick and secure transmission of data as well as voice within a given radius(10 to 100 meters range). Bluetooth technology can be used at low cost and with low power. Bluetooth modules can be either built into electronic devices or used as an adapter. For those who handle any electronic device, Bluetooth technology is really a boon.

Bluetooth technology is useful to man in his day to day work. Bluetooth technology uses chips in freight containers to identify cargo when a lorry drives into a storage depot, or a headset that communicates with a mobile phone in pocket, or in any other place, refrigerator communicating with your Bluetooth-enabled computer, informing it that food supply is low, and to inform the retailer over the internet or adjust cooling etc. Using bluetooth technology, we can use cellular phones, pagers, and personal digital assistants as three-in-one phone that can double as a portable phone at home or in the office. The synchronization of information in a desktop or notebook computer and initiation of sending or receiving of a fax can be handled well using Bluetooth technology.

Many people predicted that there will be vast development in the field of Bluetooth technology and so, they started making huge investments, in this field. Making any change is very easy but showing improvement is very difficult. It is just the beginning of a new era. Let us look out for more innovations in Bluetooth in the future.

Mobile Game revolution

The greatest scientific achievement of a man is the mobile phone, which has made the world smaller. Mobile phones nowadays have become the most important item an individual can own. They serve as a communication tool used to make and receive calls as well as send text messages, listen to music, surf the internet and even play mobile games.

Today, the importance of mobile gaming has been increased so rapidly and because of their low cost, even a common man is purchasing the games and spending most of the time in playing the games. The main advantage of the mobile games is that, once the games are downloaded from the internet, we can play the games in office, house, garden, restaurants and even in the fields and orchards. The mobile game revolution had begun with the game by name Snake. Today we find every man has a mobile with some games download in it.

Cuil Search Engine

Cuil is the latest search engine that has hit the internet world and many bloggers are referring it as "Google Search Killer" (which I personally do not think is the case), but honestly I had mixed feelings about it. It has been started by ex-Google employees Anna Patterson, Russell Power, and Tom Costello (Anna Patterson's husband). They also claim to have a much cheaper way to index web pages. The company has raised $33 million in venture capital.

I do not know how well Cuil search perform in a long run but these are my personal observations on day one (July 28, 2008).

Cool Features of Cuil:-
  • Very nice multi column magazine-style layout including images in search results.
  • Cuil has 120 billion Web pages, more than any search engine.
  • It will not store our search history/IP addresses which is a big "Yay" for people concerned about the on the internet.
  • It also proclaims an inbuilt intellisense to yield better search results.
  • Since Cuil does not base it's results on how sites link each other(Google uses link patterns as a part of their algorithm), it will be good for the internet world and reduce spam linking on blogs and websites.
  • Cuil does offers an "Explore By Category" section in its search results.
  • Cuil's low cost method of running a search engine.

Things I did not like:-
  • The site went down multiple times as they were probably not expecting a huge volume on day one. I am sure most people were checking it out rather than a long term commitment.
  • I searched for the word "Cuil" and it returned no search results which I thought was quite odd.
  • Less than half the times I found what I was searching for, there is certainly a room for improvement in their search algorithim. Several less popular sites were not showing up even when I specifically searched by their name. Sometimes the thumbnails within the search results were also off or irrelevant.
  • Cuil (pronounced "cool") itself is not a great name and they could have purchased another short domain name by spending some money which was more easier to pronounce and remember.

So the score on Day One Google v/s Cuil is ... Cuil 0 Google 1 On day one, Google outpreformed them both in search relevancy and result returns.

I somehow feel that we will see a much better response and search results from Cuil in the days to come as today their servers were literally bombarded. Anna Paterson in the year 2002-2003 had written a search engine used by the Internet Archives, which was eventually was sold to Google itself.

What Can You Do with an Intranet?

An intranet adds Internet-like services to your LAN. Many organizations, especially those with large existing computer systems, have lots of information that is hard to get at. The intranet can change all that, by using Internet tools. Here are some ideas for ways that your organization-large or small-ean use an intranet.

E-mail within the organization and to and from the Internet People can use one e-mail program to exchange mail both with other intranet users and with the Internet.

  • Private discussion groups Using a mailing list manager or a news server accessible only to people in your organization, you can set up mailing lists or newsgroups to encourage people to share information within departments or across the organization. Alternatively, you can use web-based message boards,
  • Private web sites Each department in your organization can create a web site that is accessible only to people on the intranet. Instead of circulating memos and handbooks, information can go on these web sites. For example, the marketing department can post information about products, including upcoming release dates, how products are targeted, and other information that isn't appropriate for a public site on the Internet-based web. By using the intranet instead of printing on paper, it's economical to publish large documents and documents that change frequently.
  • Access to databases If your organization has information in databases, you can convert the data to web pages so that everyone on the intranet can see it. For example, a nonprofit organization might have a database containing all of its fundraising and membership information. By using a program that can display database information as web pages and enter information from web page forms into the database, all the people at the organization can see, and even update, selected information from the database by using only a web browser. Naturally, the program would need to limit who could see and change particular information in the database.
  • Teleconferencing Rather than spend big bucks on video teleconferencing systems, think about using your intranet (and the Internet), instead. If your organization has offices in several locations, you can use the Internet for online chats with text, voice, shared whiteboards, and even limited video

About DSL Connections

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a family of all-digital, high-speed lines that use your normal phone wires with special modems on either end. Most DSL lines are actually ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line). ADSL is optimized for the way many people use the Internet: more downloads than uploads. The line is asymmetric, because it has more capacity for data received by your computer (such as graphics, video, audio, and software upgrades) than for data that you send (such as e-mail and browser commands).

About Dial-Up Connections

A dial-up connection to the Internet works over an ordinary phone line. Dial-up connections use the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and are also called PPP accounts. Early dial-up connections used older protocols (SLIP and CSLIP), but these protocols are no longer used.
To use a dial-up account, you need a modem. (To distinguish dial-up modems from newer, high-speed modems, they are also called analog modems or dial-up modems.) Most computers come with an internal modem-eheck the back of the computer for a phone jack (RJ-ll jack). Most ISPs support modems at speeds of 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) and 56 Kbps. You connect only when you want to use Internet services and disconnect (hang up) when you are done.

To connect, you need a PPP-compatible communications program, such as Dial-Up Networking, which comes with all versions of Windows since Windows 95. This program dials the phone by using your modem, connects to your ISP, logs into your account by using your user name and password, and then establishes a PPP connection, thus connecting your computer to the Internet. While connected, you can use a variety of programs to read your e-mail, browse the Web, and access other information from the Internet. When you are done, you use your communications program to disconnect from your Internet account.

How Filtering Works?

When you set up a filter in your e-mail program, the program moves messages from inbox to a designated folder as Soon they are received. This process enables you focus on the mail in your inbox when time is tight and to leave the filtered mail in Cler folders for when you have more time. Alternatively, you may choose to target -priority e-mail and filter it into another folder, which you attend to first. Filtering works by looking at the contents of the message. Normally, you tell your e-mail application to look at the contents of the message and to do something with the message based on what it finds. You may choose to look at the headers, such as who - message is to or from, or what the subject line is. Alternatively, you may want to at specific words in the message. For instance, you may want to filter all messages at least put the message in a folder that you specify.

Devising a rule to sort messages that always come from the same place or that are always addressed to the same address usually is easy. For instance, you can easily sort messages from a mailing list or from a small group of people (say, the eight colleagues rking with you on a particular project). However, sorting junk mail (unsolicited marketing messages) out of your inbox is considerably more difficult because you have devise a rule that sorts only junk mail and not the mail that you actually want to read.

What Are Databases?

A database is a collection of pieces of related information that is organized so its various informational items can be located and retrieved when needed. Billions of electronic databases exist, but only some of them can be accessed on the Web. Your health insurer, for example, probably has a searchable database that contains information about your recent health history, but that database is not available on the Web.

On the other hand, many databases are indeed available on the Web. Some databases on the Web can be used by anyone at no charge, and others require that users belong to a particular organization or pay a fee. Web-accessible databases are part of what is sometimes referred to as the hidden Web, the deep Web, or the invisible Web: information that cannot be directly located with today's general-purpose search engines because it is "hidden" behind query forms. To locate information in most web-accessible databases, you need to be able to find the database itself and make your query. Databases on the Web include library catalogs, telephone books, public records, and news and magazine archives. For example, if you use a web search engine to look for a specific book, you probably won't find Amazon.corn's page about the book because Amazon's book information is stored in a database that isn't indexed by search engines.

Some databases are fully indexed, meaning that you can search the entire database for the occurrence of any word. Other databases are indexed only by fields. For example, to find someone in a white pages database, you need to search for information for a particular field. If you type "Mckinley" into the last name field of a white pages search, you see only people with the last name of McKinley rather than people who live on McKinley Avenue.

Histroy of Linux

Linux is a multiuser - multitasking operating system. This was developed by Linus Bendedict Torralds a second year computer science student of Helsinki University. This operating system is a colone of unix operating system. This was designed and developed mainly to incorporate all the functionalities of unix for PC users.

The first version of Linux 0.01 was released in mid September 1991 over the internet. Linus holds the copy right, but allowed other users to use the software freely. The users can modify and resell the modified versions. Many interested programmers added many applications and features such as windows manager, networking tools, program development utilities such as C, C++ compilers and debuggers.

Although Linux is free and open environment in the internet, it follows the official standard of unix called POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments) given by IEEE.

How Do Search Engines Work?

Dozens of search engines are available on the Web. Each search engine gathers information a little differently. Some engines scan the entire web page; others focus on the page title; some analyze the references from one web page to another; still others read keywords and information included in meta tags (tags that include keywords about the page) on the web page. These different methods are the reason you can get different results from different search engines.

Popular search engines include Google (, MSN Search (, AltaVista (, and Yahoo (
Most search engines go beyond just searching for web pages. Some search engines allow you to search for information from Usenet newsgroups.

What Are Search Engines?

Back in the old days (the 1980s), the Internet was primarily a research medium. Files were stored separately, with no way to go from one file to another easily. A few systems appeared (Copher and WAIS) to make it easier to find things on the Internet. In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee developed a network of files connected by hypertext links and dubbed it the World Wide Web. The popularity of the Web exploded after the creati of user-friendly browser applications that enabled people to view text and graphics and to jump quickly from page to page. The next thing that was needed was a way for users to find what they wanted, and that's why search engines were created.

A search engine is a database application that retrieves information, based on words or a phrase you enter. How do web-based search engines work? A web search engine employs a program called a search agent (or a spider) that goes out and looks for information on web pages. This information is indexed and stored in a huge database. When you conduct a search, the search engine looks through its database to find entries that match the information you entered. Then the search engine displays a list of the web pages it determines are most relevant to your search criteria.

What are Internet Cookies?

The popular rumors about web cookies describe them as programs that can scan your hard drive and gather information about you including: passwords, credit card numbers, and a list of the software on your computer. None of this is close to the truth. A cookie is a short piece of data, not code, which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site. The cookie is stored on the user's machine, but it is not an executable program and cannot do anything to your machine.

Whenever a web browser requests a file from the web server that sent it a
cookie, the browser sends a copy of that cookie back to the server along with
the request. Thus a server sends you a cookie and you send it back whenever
you request another file from the same server. In this way, the server knows
you have visited before and can coordinate your access to different pages on
its web site. For example, an Internet shopping site uses a cookie to keep
track of which shopping basket belongs to you. A server cannot find out your
name or e-mail address, or anything about your computer using cookies.

Normally, cookies are only sent back to the server that originally sent them
to the browser and to no one else. A server can set the domain attribute for a
cookie so that any server in the same Internet subdomain as the computer that
sent the cookie will have the cookie sent along with a file request. This is
so those larger sites that utilize multiple servers can coordinate their
cookies across all the servers. The domain path can not be set to send cookies
to a subdomain outside of the subdomain where the server resides.

A cookie is sent to a browser by including a line with the following syntax in
the header of an HTML document. Note that the header is removed from the
document before the browser displays it. Thus, you will not see the header
lines if you execute the View, Source or View, Document Source commands in
your browser.

VBScript and ActiveX Control

VBScript and ActiveX Control are Microsoft systems that work with Internet Explorer. VBScript, a language that resembles Microsoft's Visual Basic can be used to add scripts to pages that are displayed by Internet Explorer. Anything that VBScript can do, Javascript (which Microsoft calls JScript) can do, too, and vice versa.

ActiveX Controls (AXCs), like Java, are used to embed executable programs into a web page. When Internet Explorer encounters a web page that uses ActiveX Controls, it checks whether that particular control is already installed on your computer and if it isn't, IE installs it. Netscape Navigator cant run plug-ins, ignoring the content that the plug-ins provides. Except for the Microsoft web site, few sites use ActiveX controls for anything other than cute animations.

Improve your Communication Skills

Here are 6 great tips you can use!

1. Awareness of your own interaction with other people is the first step in improving your communication skills.

Learn to identify which types of situations make you uncomfortable and then modify your behavior to achieve positive results is a critical step in improving your communication skills.
You can learn to become aware of behaviors in other people that prompt you to respond in negative ways and modify your own behavior to turn the situation into a positive experience.

2. You must accept responsibility for your own behavior and do not fear apologizing for errors in judgment or insensitive actions.
Asking others for honest feedback about the way you interact with others can be very helpful. Accept the negative feedback along with the positive and make changes accordingly.

3. Your non-verbal communication is equally as important as the things that you say. Positive body language is extremely important in your interactions with other people.If your words and your actions do not match, you will have a difficult time succeeding in social situations.

4. In order to learn how to improve your communication skills, you must become a great listener. You must fight the urge to respond immediately and really listen to what the other person is trying to communicate.Offering suggestions or criticism before you are certain of the other person's intent can only lead to frustration for both parties.

5. Improving your communication skills is a process and cannot be accomplished overnight. Trying to improve or change too many things at once will be counter-productive. You will become discouraged and overwhelmed if you attempt to change your entire personality all at once. Choose one or two traits at a time and work on those over a period of time. Learn to take advantage of your personal strengths and make a positive impact on others.

6. Maximize your positive personality traits and use them in your interactions with others. Good communication and great listening skills are the most important tools you can use in improving your communication skills.You can learn how to improve your communication skills by developing excellent listening skills, learning to resolve problems and conflicts, understanding body language, and accepting responsibility for your own negative behavior.

Determination and self-awareness will make your desire to improve your communication skills a reality.
You can change your life and now is the time to start.
Exceptional communication skills can be Learned...and Mastered!!!

Humor for Kids and Grown Ups

What is the most slippery country in the world?
What is the best hand to write with?
Neither - it's best to write with a pen
What kind of fish can't swim?
Dead ones
What sort of animal is a slug?
A snail with a housing problem
If two's company and three a crowd, what are four and five?

The pharaohs of Egypt worked out the first pyramid scheme.
A man rushed into a busy doctor's office and shouted "Doctor! I thinkI'm shrinking!!" The doctor calmly responded, "Now, settle down.You'll just have to be a little patient."
High jumpers do well at the Olympics because it's always on a leap year.
I like European food so I decided to Russia over there because I wasHungary. After Czech'ing the menu I ordered Turkey. When I wasfinnished and told the waiter "Spain good but there is Norway I couldeat another bite." (Mike Bull)
California is the land of earthquakes and suntans, in short, shake andbake.
MISSOURI asked me to borrow MISSISSIPPI's NEW JERSEY. I said "I don'tknow, ALASKA."

A husband and his wife had an appointment with their eye doctor. Whenthey arrived at his new office it was obvious that he was still in theprocess of moving in. A large picture of a very pretty woman wasconspicuously displayed in the reception room. The husband pointed tothe picture and asked the doctor, "Is that your wife?" He repliedwith, "No, that's her picture."

Single Click Through EARN Money

Single Click Through EARN Money
Pls visit
And Click the Ads by Google Link on side
U will earn money
Pls do it..Pls...Pls
If u r click Ads by Google Link. Your e-mail is activated for Earn & get money.
Its really..Really..


Are you struggling with business?Everything go wrong?Is your business dull?Dont wait.Read these hints and try for the success.
The beleif is the key to being a successful entrepreneur. You must believe in your self and your abilities to get things done. It is so amazing how we always think other people can do it but we can't.
Remember to relax and look for help when you need it. I sure did. Understand that you are in business for you self but not by yourself. If your goal is to earn Rs5000 or Rs100,000 a week, believe it is possible. Anything some else can do you can do it to. You must believe that the good life is for you and that you deserve it. Otherwise you will sabotage your self if success comes to you.
2. The Marketing Plan
Successful entrepreneurs must be open-minded and embrace changes. They are never afraid to take a risk. They are savvy and understand the need to promote their product through effective mediums. Far too many entrepreneurs underestimate how important this is to the livelihood of their business. If you don't have prospects you don't have customers. If you don't nave customers you are not in business.
The call word for an entrepreneur is Promote, promote, promote. Because of all the new technology available for marketing the successful entrepreneur has just every thing needed to succeed. The internet is the largest marketing medium in the world and it is right at our fingertips.
3. The Right Mission
Successful entrepreneurs must have a reason for being successful. When the obstacles come, and they will you must have a strong "Yes" to continue on or you will say No and quit. Their must be meaning and passion in what you do or the path will feel empty.
Sir Winston Churchill had to give a speech and a commencement service of a military academy and he only said 9 words "Never Give Up, Never Give Up, Never Give Up" and walked of the stage. What was his message? Persistence! Persistent will be to a successful entrepreneur as carbon is to steel. When you have spent your last dollar and the next sales is not coming as planned you must persist, because your biggest break through is usually just after your biggest disappointments. Maybe you want to help starving people in Africa. Maybe you want to help hungry children around the world. Maybe you just want to have enough money to help those around you. What ever your mission is it must be big and beautiful. It must add meaning to your life.
As you can see you can develop yourself into a successful entrepreneur if you have the right mindset, market yourself and product and have a mission for success. Remember "Nothing changes in your life until you do" I hope this helped!

Home Business in an Easy Way

Many people are turning to home businesses. They may say it's easy and rewarding. However you may be asking, "How do you start to get to that point?" There are many subjects you can base a home business on. To find out what is right for you, several things need to take place.
First, think of and list (mentally or otherwise) your skills and knowledge.

Think through your education. What subject did you excel in? What did you, or would like to have major(ed) in during college? Also, think about what experiences you have had. Things you've learned in your life may help you determine what talent you have.

Once you know what you are talented at, the next step is to choose which of your skills you actually enjoy. If you have a few, sometimes you can try to combine them into one idea. Remove any talents you dislike. If you're planning to use a home business as a life career, it's important to take pleasure in it.

With your list of skills you enjoy, research what you can do with them. Find out if you will be able to market them. When you match your interests with possible marketing options, you get business opportunities.

Using those business options, research some elements of having a home-based business.
• Check to see what other businesses are on the market. Your business can't be overused if you want success. Your business needs to be unique to draw people to it and get tons of business. It also needs to provide a solution to a need and be able to have endurance. If you choose something passing your business will fail.

• Find out how many hours you will conduct your business. Time needs to be separated for your business.

• Become aware of a business that fits your daily life. Make sure it will not be hindered by any home occurrences.

• Make sure your finances are taken care of. Be certain of your start up cost and the needs you have for your business. Also create a financial business plan suited to your business.

Think of every aspect in a business. Attend to all details.

Secret to Goal Achievement

I used to think that in order to become successful that I had to create unique ideas that no-one, not another soul on the planet had had and then do my best to market them before others had their own 'unique' ideas that were the same as mine (think about that for a second)

I used to think that if someone took one of my ideas and used it to make money then they were somehow stealing something from me and weakening my position so that my own success would falter and that if I did the same with theirs that this somehow made ME a thief.

I used to think "I can't do that, it's already been done... I've missed the boat on this" and quit projects that I'd been passionate about because someone 'beat' me to bringing it to market.

Now I realise that no idea is truly unique but that each of us has a unique way of applying (or failing to apply) our ideas to our lives. Because of this, there is more than enough room for EVERY idea any of us ever have.

If this wasn't the case then there would only ever be one of any type of commodity or item in the world.
One type of car. One type of TV. One type of washing machine. One type of [Insert what YOU do here]
But there's not is there?
There are hundreds, if not thousands of each of these things.
Why not one more?
Now I realise that every person who came before me and everyone who follows gets an equal share of all the information and ideas of allthe generations who precede them. It doesn't make sense NOT to use it.
You wouldn't rid your home of electricity because someone else beat you to it?
You wouldn't pass up medical help because you had no hand in the founding of medical knowledge, right?
So what if what you want to do is already in existence? If you want to do it, and do it your way

Life isn't like school.

There's no teacher who's going to mark you down for copying the kid next to you.
Copy all you want.... then improve.
Now I realise that Thomas Edison's formula for success is the fastest, surest way to guarantee that you get what you want from life.

See, you really don't have to re-invent the wheel. In fact, that's just not smart. It's wasteful.

You CAN paint the wheel the colour your want it. You CAN use different materials. You CAN make it bigger or smaller, wider or narrower.
You CAN.

So, if it feels like success has been eluding you and that your 'unique' ideas never seem to go anywhere or that others 'beat you to it' before you get the rewards, then try Edison's approach.
Start where the last person left off and add your signature to an existing success.
Now, the world of humans is rushing towards the era of robots. The mystery behind the curtain has revealed. The mystery of robot world.

It has taken thousands of years for humans to embark the show of its amazing astuteness. With the help of this special talent humans are about to become father of robots.

There are myriad opinions on robot world. However, these opinions are merely assumptions. One person says robots obsolete whereas the other one says, robots should be shunned.We all are aware; robots are designed in order to help us. We want them imprudent and innocuous or else they may afterwards rule over us.

It seems quiet simple to design harmless robots, but is difficult.Humans have a habit of ameliorating his inventions. This same thing is going to happen with robots and who knows on which road robots will walk. So, basically scientists are between the devil and the deep blue sea.Scientists believe that this kind of technical revolution might lead into some bad effects.With the introduction of robots, our society will be intricate. Everything, living or non- living, will be on the verge in turning into incomprehensible. In addition to this, the influence of robots is going to be easily detectable and vicious.

It is true somehow, if robots will be designed in a very superior way then, there will be a chance of them to be virulent and vindictive.So, without knowing what robots are going to be, people are totally crazy about them. In fact some people have started collecting money in order to buy robots in the future. Considering humans overenthusiastic nature, I would affirm, whether the robots will be liked or disliked but, for sure, they will be glorified.

Power of Positive Thinking

What is thinking?
In the whole universe the human being only have the brain to think. It is called as sixth sense. No other creature has the special power to think as man. We can think anything about. Nobody can stop as or control us.

The success of our life depends on our thinking only. There are two types of thinking:

1. Positive Thinking
2. Negative Thinking

One can easily understand these words. Because this names itselves explanatory.

When we are looking in a bottle containg half quantity of water the positive thinker says the bottle is half portion filled with water and half portion is empty. But the negative thinker would say half bottle is empty. He will not listen the quantity of water.

Positive Thinking always optimistic and negative thinking always pessimistic. Positive thinker always see every problem is a route for his success. He thinks and knows without pain no gain. But a negative thinker see every think is a problem.

Every successful deed reveals that he is a positive thinker. Defeats are the steps for a positive thinker. He climb through the defeats and change them into success. We can analize the situation from a child's activitiies.

When a child birth from his mother it cries for the respiration. From that moment it grows slowly.. After some times it learns to feel, turns back, learn to sit, learn to stand, learn to walk, learn to run, learn to speak, etc.....

In each process it faces so many difficulties and defeats. But the child thinks in a positive way to over come the situation.. Like that we should also make our life in Positive way of thinking every moment and get succeed.



It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.This makes sense ...

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ..not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:· Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.· 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

-- "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

Benefits Of RAM

RAM, or Random Access Memory, plays an important part in how fast your computer runs. This is because RAM stores processes and files in memory so it can be accessed quickly when needed. The more RAM you have the more you can store. The faster the RAM speed the faster these files and processes can be accessed.

When buying a notebook or a desktop computer many people do not ensure they have the right amount of RAM for their needs. The amount you need will depend greatly on what you plan to do with your new computer or even the operating system it is using. A user who plans on simply using their computer simply to write up documents, browse the internet and write emails would only need 512mb RAM, which is a small amount.

On the other hand a user that needs to perform queries on a big databases or plays RAM intensive games would need anywhere between 1GB to 2GB of RAM.

The new Vista operating system is another factor to consider when choosing the amount of RAM you need. It is recommended that computers running Vista have 1GB of RAM or more, no matter what you are doing with your computer.

As well as the size of RAM, the speed is also important. The fastest RAM currently on the market is DDR2. This format is faster than the previous DDR format. RAM speed is important just like the speed of a CPU is. The faster it runs, the more effective it is.

When choosing a computer, it is best to include that little bit larger amount of RAM that you think you will need. This will ensure that you won't underestimate the amount needed, and your computer will be future proofed

How Laser Works

Lasers are such an interesting area of modern technology that they have gained significant popularity over the past several decades. Knowing how they work is something that will fascinate anyone who has ever seen one.

The first thing that is important to understand about Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, or a LASER, is that they are relatively only one color of light, not multiple colors like other kinds of light. This is what allows them to produce a straight beam that does not expand nearly as much as other kinds of light after a certain amount of distance. Laser light does expand, but the beam divergence is extremely small compared to white light.

When normal white light hits an object the various colors in the light bend in different amounts. Since lasers have practically only one color, the light all bends the same amount when it hits an object. This is what allows it to keep its composure. So how do you get the light to generate only one color? It all has to do with the electrons. The "extra" energy that leaks out is what produces the given color of light. Then they produce a lot of light of the same color.

Those electrons in that material will absorb the light and shoot it right back out as one color. This can be done with various kinds of mirrors and lenses. There are all kinds of ways to energize the electrons to make a laser, and it can be very costly or not so costly, depending on the power and kind of the laser.

Lasers have so many different applications. When lasers are made, they are made with a certain application in mind. Although this article has discussed how a certain kind of laser works, it is important to note that not all lasers work the same way.

Earn From Blogs


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Blogging is extremely popular today and is a very easy thing to do. A simple Google search can set you up to begin publishing your thoughts across the entire Internet for free. Creating blog content is another easy task, your thoughts and feelings about various issues, products and world events, can resonate with others who agree or oppose your views.

I have a Blog, Where is my money?
Google AdSense is a tool to help generate revenue from you blog. Simply set it up and small ads from Google appear on your blog and you earn income each time someone clicks on the included advertisements.

Other Sources of Income
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs that will pay you for each new customer you create. There are so many products available for sale that it is relatively easy to offer products that are highly relative to your subject matter. An example, you wrote about suffering a panic attack, you then can offer links to products that may help others suffering from your affliction. The key to success is relevancy. The closer your products relate to the subject matter, the better your results. If you have your own valuable information locked in your head, you can create an e-book for sell to your readers. There are so many ways to earn money while creating value for others, the only limit is your imagination.

Work From Home

Have you ever wanted to start your home based business? Do you need a little extra money? You must be able to provide the service and product that your business represents if you want to be successful. If you are checking out home based jobs on the Internet you might find such things as: MatrixMails - Get paid

  • Envelope stuffing,
  • Auditing, Analyst,
  • Computer information specialist,
  • Advisor,
  • Real estate,
  • Selling cosmetics through a nationally known company,
  • Selling kitchen items through a nationally known company,
  • Telephone assistant

Another job that you might consider if you are looking for a job you can do from home is starting a mystery shopping company . What does it take to start a company like this? You will need to have some organizational skills and be handy on the computer. You will need to find work, and that means calling and going around to different businesses trying to sell your services. On the basic level, you will be able to start small and do most of the work yourself. Before starting your own mystery shopping company, you should make a business plan and figure out a starting budget. Will you have enough money in savings to start your own business or will you need to borrow money from the bank? If you will need to borrow money from the bank, you will need to have that business plan ready to show the bank that you have thought about every detail of starting your own business. At this time you should start throwing around names that you would like to name your business. Think of something catchy, smart and unique to stand out in the business world.

Tips For Beautiful Skin

We're going to begin with basic 'living well' habits that aren't difficult to implement, and will change not only your appearance, but your outlook on life and your overall mental and physical health.

1) Make sure you're eating a healthy diet including LOTS of fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out empty calories from soft drinks, heavy desserts and snacks throughout the day. If you need to snack, choose fresh apple slices, a handful of nuts or a small serving of popped corn.

2) Hydrate throughout the day. Keep water in a glass container on your desk or counter so it's easy for you to have a drink periodically. Many of us are actually dehydrated and that directly affects the health of our skin.

3) Get plenty of rest. Even though you have lots of last minute things to do before you retire for the night, try to get at least 6-8 hours of rest each night. You'll feel more alert and you'll accomplish your tasks faster because you'll have more energy! It's o.k. to not get everything done. Guess what, we'll never get everything done, so relax.

4) Get 20-30 minutes of regular exercise each day. Do something as simple as walking or going up and down steps. Use a pedometer to measure your steps. Your goal should be to work up to 10,000 steps each day. It is difficult if you're sitting at a desk all day, so use your lunch hour to walk for 15-20 minutes. You'll be amazed how much more energetic you'll feel.So far I've only mentioned minimal, but necessary, healthy lifestyle habits you can easily incorporate into your daily life: Eating well, drinking lots of water, getting enough rest and incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine.I also know you're wondering how any of that will make a difference in helping you develop fabulous skin. You'll be surprised how much exercise, healthy food and rest will do for your appearance, but I have several more 'simple steps' designed to specifically address your skin's appearance.

5) Start and end each day with a basic skin care routine. Cleanse with a natural, organic cleanser developed for your skin type. Try to avoid using basic bar soap on your face because it will generally strip away your natural oils so critical to a healthy complexion. I like to recommend an oxygen-based toner because it will continue the cleansing action while it infuses your skin with energy.If you prefer not to use toner, move directly to the serum and/or moisturizer for your final step(s). Seasonal serums are formulated to deal with various weather and climate changes you encounter. Using a Serum for Spring adds supplemental moisture and minerals to your skin, helping your skin recover its smooth texture and begin to glow. You can layer it under your favorite moisturizer - especially for your night regime. I recommend you layer it under a safe, natural organic SPF15 Sunscreen for daytime.Complete your regime by adding a fabulous anti-aging Serum to tighten and smooth out any fine lines or wrinkles that are beginning to develop while giving your skin an anti-aging treatment as well.

6) Use a natural organic exfoliator to cleanse away dead cells from your face 1 or 2 times per week. It allows new cells to emerge and you will look fresher and more rested.

7) Use a revitalizing eye gel to help tighten delicate skin under your eyes and eliminate bags and dark circles.

8) Evaluate your daily nutrition. Some skin care products are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrition. However you may need to add supplemental dietary support like Omega Oils, fiber or daily vitamins to deal with stress, long days, travel or just your daily schedule.

9) Don't forget to cleanse and moisturize hands frequently. Use an organic hand wash that doesn't strip your hands of moisture as it cleans. Retain/add moisture with a body butter or lotion. Using personal-sized sanitizers/purifiers made with stabilized oxygen rather than alcohol or triclosan through the day will help you avoid airborne viruses or other pathogens from surfaces you use during the day. I suggest you carry a 1oz. pocket mister in your briefcase or purse so it's handy - no matter where you are.

10) Have an 'Attitude of Gratitude' each day! A positive mental outlook shows up in fewer fine lines, frown lines or wrinkles. In short, you'll look as good as your attitude demonstrates you feel.

Think of these as 10 steps to a fresher, younger looking 'YOU'. You'll find changes will appear in 30 - 45 days if you'll consistently follow these simple steps in your life.

The Easy Way To Weight Loss

A weight loss method that works every time has invented still. Being overweight or obese harms lives as it increases health risks and reduces most of a person's physical abilities.There are many easy weight loss programs are effective, we each have one that works well on an individual basis and most of these are easy to research on the Internet.Before you decide on how you intend to lose weight you need to decide if it is for your benefit; i.e. to remain healthy, or is it because someone else wants you to lose weight.There are a number of things to consider which will help make your weight loss program easier including; the time of day you eat, how often, what you in fact eat and of course what physical activity you carry out. Losing weight quickly like twenty five pounds a more can actually do more harm than good to your body as it suddenly has to adapt to a lower weight and it can also give unrealistic future expectations.To lose a realistic pound in weight each and every week all you need to do is reduce your food intake or exercise enough to loose 500 calories each day. Most of us eat too much and definitely an excess of junk foods which we shouldn't rely on the way we do although it is not a good idea cut out everything you enjoy.Of course we often eat more when we do not feel very good about ourselves or are depressed about our life, which is often called comfort eating. Problems occur when medical conditions arise from overeating, like diabetes which is on the increase but we must not forget other diseases like cancer, heart conditions and raised blood pressure. Many of the easy weight loss treatments neglect the psychological factor, hence, very few are truly effective, but you have to go beyond planning and find the real cause of a metabolic imbalance.All that said it has been shown that it is actually beneficial for the person using a weight loss program to be light-hearted about it as the mental attitude makes losing weight more likely. The one thing that has shown to be true no matter what you do in life is that being positive about something is more likely to make it happen. Most people that loss those extra pounds claim they have more energy and are able to do things that their weight had stopped them from enjoying previously.Results are what count and when an easy weight loss program is producing these results it is much easier for a person to continue with it