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Does anybody want to be sad? Does anybody want to be unhappy? Does anybody want to be sorrow for some days or hours or even some minutes? The answer is ultimately NO. Everybody wants to be happy always. Everybody wants to live happily every moment. But, is it true we are living always happily? NO. We are always living with sadness, sorrow and worries. What to do for making a happy life for us and for others? Is there any top secret to be happy? There is no secret.

We are the main victim for this. We create our own happiness or unhappiness .Yes. We are the master of our minds. We will be happy when the things are happened as we expect and unhappy if not happened as per our expectations. So it is not the thing outside events determine our happiness.

Unhappiness is the most common stat of mind. There are some easy ways for happiness. A famous author quote,*keep the heart free from hate, disappointments, and worries. Live simply and expect little. Forget self, think others.*Fill your heart with love. Everything is happening in every moment as per the GOD’s desire. Leave every problem with GOD. Happiness brings everything positive.

Here is an easy tip for beginning a happy day. When you wake-up in the morning, condition your mind like” Today I will do all of my work in happy mood. I will feel happiness every moment. In all the situations I will be happy. GOD helps me to be happy”. Keep these sayings yourself slowly and concentrate in these words.

After completing all your works, when you go to bed, again condition your mind as in the morning. Repeat daily this. Definitely you will be happy always.